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Faq Page - Mundida

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Frequently Asked Questions?

To get started, we'll discuss your requirements, goals, and budget. Once we have a clear understanding, we'll create a proposal for your project.

Yes, we create custom websites tailored to your brand, including unique designs, colors, and imagery.

Absolutely, all our websites are mobile-responsive to ensure a great user experience on all devices.

Yes, we offer feature customization to meet your specific needs. We'll discuss any additional costs associated with advanced features.

Yes, we provide training to help you manage and update your website content independently.

We conduct thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and valuable keywords for your business.

We provide regular reports on keyword rankings, traffic, and other performance metrics to keep you informed of progress.

Yes, we offer access to live tracking tools and dashboards so you can monitor your SEO campaign's progress.

Yes, we include ethical and white-hat link-building strategies to improve your website's authority and rankings.

Absolutely, we offer flexible SEO packages that can be adjusted to accommodate your evolving needs.

Our long-term support covers regular updates, security patches, content updates, and troubleshooting.

Yes, we ensure regular backups and have a disaster recovery plan in place to protect your website's data.

Our long-term support packages come with flexible contract terms, typically ranging from 6 months to 1 year.

We employ security best practices, including regular monitoring, firewall protection, and security updates to safeguard your website.

You can request content by providing topic ideas or specific requirements, and we'll create content that aligns with your goals.

Yes, you have the opportunity to review and request revisions on content before it's published.

Yes, our content is optimized for search engines to improve your online visibility.

Yes, we offer multilingual content creation services to expand your reach.

Turnaround times vary depending on the complexity and quantity of content, but we aim to deliver content within agreed-upon deadlines.

In our package, we are offering woocommerce as a platform for ecommerce website.

We don’t offer migration as part of the package, however, we can offer this as a separate service.

Yes, we provide ongoing support to ensure your e-commerce website remains secure and functional.

We integrate the necessary third-party tools and plugins to enhance your e-commerce store's functionality however, if you have specific requests for integration, they will be charged separately.

Yes, our e-commerce packages include user-friendly product catalog and shopping cart systems to enhance the shopping experience for your customers.